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Planning Meeting 14th Feb

Harrow Development


Compton Parish Council will hold an open meeting at Pucks Oak Barn, from 7pm on the 14th February, to discuss the proposals and seek your views on the development of the Harrow into private dwellings.  


If you are unable to attend, you are very welcome to send your thoughts to the Chairman, Stephen Mallet, at, copying the Clerk at


Planning Application    22/P/01999 


Planning Meeting - Guildford Borough Council 


Decision notice - REFUSE The proposal by reason of the scale of the development would constitute inappropriate development and there are no very special circumstances that have been demonstrated to justify the scale of the development and outweigh the harm to the Green Belt contrary to paragraph 154 of the NPPF

Mar 20th

Planning applications to 20th March 2024


24/P/00061 Maple Mead, Summers Lane, Hurtmore


Conversion of detached outbuilding from garage and annexe to ancillary habitable accommodation (contrary to Condition 3 of planning permission 89/P/00612)


24/P/00152 Bavins, Mark Way


Certificate of Lawfulness for existing development to establish whether the building works for a ground and first floor infill extensions were substantially completed more than 4 years before the date of this application.


24/P/00276 Jasmine Cottage, The Street


Construction of a double garage following demolition of an existing single garage

April 22nd 

Annual Meeting.jpg

May 15th

Planning applications to 10th May 2024


24/P/00093 Land to the west of Limnerslease, Down Lane

Installation of sculpture, hard and soft landscaping enhancements, demolition of existing pre-fabricated garages and extension of existing parking area


24/P/00441 Land west of Blackwell Farm

The installation of a solar facility comprising ground mounted infrastructure including inverters, transformers, a GRP  switchgear enclosure, fencing, infrared cameras, motion detection system, underground cable connections, export cable, access works including new tracks, landscape planting and other ancillary development.


24/P/00442 Sylvia’s Cottage, Godalming by pass

Two storey front extension and first floor rear extension along with changes to fenestration.


24/P/00449 The Harrow Inn

Change of use of building together with extensions and alterations following partial demolition to provide 5 dwellings with associated amenity space and parking


24/P/00478 Priors Field, Priorsfield Road

Formation of  a coach and car parking area to serve Priors Field School, with associated access and landscaping


24/P/00504 Primrose Cottage, The Street

Two storey rear extension and rebuilding existing outbuilding.


24/P/00505 Land at Monkshatch Copse, Land at Puttenham Golf Club

Conversion of golf course building and associated works following the demolition of existing buildings


24/P/00547 Eastbury Cottage, The Street

Single storey side extension following demolition of existing conservatory


24/P/00573 Maple Mead, Summers Lane, Hurtmoreurt

Erection of single storey rear extension




23/P/01898 Yeomans, Priorswood

Removal of condition 4 (removal of permitted development rights) of planning application 16/P/00167 approved 24/3/16 to reinstate permitted development rights.


22/P/01999 The Harrow

Change of use of public house together with extensions and alterations following partial demolition to provide 5 dwellings  with associated amenity space and car parking

July 17th 2024

Planning applications to 13 th July 2024



24/P/00618 and 24/P/00619 Eastbury Manor Planning and Listed Building Consent for the proposed change of use of former care home (use class C2) to a single dwellinghouse (use class C3) together with internal alterations comprising the reversal of room insertions and subdivisions


24/P/00692 The Cottage, Withies Lane Proposed front and side single storey extensions


24/P/00815 Yeomans, Priorswood Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary condition 4 (no development within Part 1, Classes A, B, D and E shall be carried out on the dwellinghouse or within its curtilage) of planning permission Ref k16/P/00167 to reinstate Permitted development Rights.


24/P/00821 Bavins, Mark Way Rear first floor infill extension, rear balcony, replacement roof, front framing, changes to existing fenestration and changes to external facing materials


24/P/00994 Broadbridges, The Avenue Installation of double glazed windows and French doors following removal of single glazed windows and French doors.


24/T/00165 High Timbers, Mark Way T1 Beech – fell to ground level


24/P/00495 | Change of use of land to a mixed use of residential and equestrian comprising the siting of a mobile home for Gypsies/Travellers and the erection of an equestrian building containing 3 stables (retrospective application). | Land to the East of Halfway House, Down Lane, Compton, GU3

Tuesday 8th October

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